Blab! presents : The Krampus Show – Copro Gallery – Santa Monica

Amandine Urruty - Krampus Show - Copro Gallery

Curated by Monte Beauchamp—and hosted by Gary Pressman of the Los Angeles Copro Gallery—a sterling lineup of contemporary painters, illustrators, and sculptors will be adorning the walls with the Yuletide Season’s favorite, hair-raising beast — KRAMPUS.

OVER 60 EXHIBITING ARTISTS INCLUDING: Mab Graves, Camille Rose Garcia, Chet Zar, Jonathan Queen, Naoto Hattori, Anthony Ausgang, Aron Baker, Shawn Barber, Paul Barnes, Glenn Barr, Benz and Chang, Ed Binkley, Emma Black, John Brophy, Chris Buzelli, Simona Candini, Victor Castillo, Sam Wolfe Connelly, Robert Steven Connett, Dave Cooper, CRAWW, John Cuneo, Nova Czarnecki, Gabi De la Merced, Dos Diablos, Sophie Duez,Mike Egan, Frank Forte, Renee French, José Luis López Galván, Katie Gamb, Sazha Gazova, Alex Gross, Andie Grusin, Corinne Halbert, Gregory Hergert, Karikatura, Andy Kehoe, Denis Kitchen, Kris Kuksi, Travis Lampe, Craig LaRotonda, Dave Lebow, Jason Limon, Travis Louie, David Lyle, Bill Mayer, Walter Minus, Lori Nelson, Nouar, Tim O’Brien, Deana Pelowski, Sonya Palencia, Peca, Gail Potocki, Edel Rodriguez, Scott Rohlfs, Sergio Ruzzier, Frau Sakra, Kim Saigh, CHema Skandal!, Bennett Slater, Owen Smith, Juan Soto, Fred Stonehouse, Rob Sussman, David Talbot, Tin, Nathalie Tierce, Chris Towle, Amandine Urruty, Stefanie Vega, Joe Vaux, Xue Wang, Jessica Warrick, Casy Weldon, Weriem, Brady Willmott, Brad Woodfin, William Wray and MORE…..

Bergamot Arts Complex, Copro Gallery
2525 Michigan Ave T5
Santa Monica, CA 90404

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