– Santander University
From 16 August to 13 September, the
Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo in Santander will host
« Cuadratura »
An exhibition of the 30 pieces that,
curated by Okuda between 2017 and 2019 in collaboration with Ink
and Movement (IAM),
have become part of the collection of the Museo Redondo in BODEGA DEL
Artworks by
3ttman / Agostino
Iacurci / Amandine Urruty / Anna Taratiel / Bruno
Pontiroli / Daniel Muñoz « SAN » / Demsky /
Dmitri Aske / Dulk1 /
Eltono / Franco Fasoli – JAZ / Grip Face /
Hell’o / KENOR / SAWE / Miss Van /
Nano 4814 / Nuria Mora / Okuda San Miguel /
PichiAvo / Rlove / Rosh 333 / Sabek / Samuel
Salcedo / SatOne / Sebas Velasco / Sixe
Paredes / Smithe / Spok Brillor /
More infos on inkandmovement.com !