Something Strange in the Neighborhood – Feinkunst Krüger – Hamburg

Feinkunst Kruger - HamburgI’m glad to take part in a new group show at Feinkunst Krüger, curated by Roman Klonek. I’ll produce three new pieces for this occasion.
« Something Strange in the Neighborhood » International Groupshow
With : atak – Roman Klonek – Heiko Müller – Gary Taxali – Amandine Urruty – Marco Wagner

Vernissage am 08. April um 20:00 Uhr / Opening party April 8th 20h
Ausstellungsdauer: 09. – 29. April 2017 / Show : April 9 – 29 2017

Feinkunst Krüger
Kohlhöfen 8
20355 Hamburg

About the show:
We are currently caught in a constant barrage of information, often in the form of fleeting stimuli. Never before has the world seemed so complex. But complexity is generally considered tiresome. A few simple concepts might help relieve this problem. Plainly built, easily managed systems of classification – vague promises of normality and calm. But such thinking increasingly taxes our wonderful capacity to view the world also as something magical – for what is exceptional in life usually lies beyond the limits of this mindset. We prefer to feed and coddle our fat tomcat of “habit” and there it lies sprawled… lazy and drowsy, obscuring our view of the wondrous world of possibilities and surprises.
This brings us right to the crux of this exhibition. Which is about the pleasure of shooing away our fat lethargic cat.
The artists assembled here evidently take great pleasure in tracking down stuff in particular that is odd and far-fetched – in short, all those enigmatic things out there – and giving them visual form in their art, for us and for themselves.
They are storytellers – well versed in meticulously judging the right measure and arrangement of what is familiar and unfamiliar. Of what is evidently visible and what is concealed. They appeal to our ability to marvel and invite us to grasp – and relish – “amazement” as a desirable frame of mind… be it eerie, pleasurable or just simply weird.
As it happens, they also remind us that, yes, a different world is conceivable!
And intense fiction of every kind is also a protest against the world as it is right now.
Roman Klonek